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รศ.ดร.บัญชา ยิ่งงาม



  • Email:
  • Phone: 045353623


  • Areas of Expertise:

    Quality by design (QbD), Artificial neural network (ANN), Response surface methodology (RSM), Optimization algorithms, Green chemistry and pharmacy, Herbal medicinal plants, pharmaceutical nanotechnology, electrospinning technology, microneedle technology

    Teaching Areas:

    Pharmaceutical Botany, Pharmacognosy, Herbal Medicines in Health Care System, The Application of Statistical Design of Experiment (DOE) in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Response Surface Methodology, Artificial Neural Network

    Research Interests:

    1. Application of the statistical design of the experiment (DOE) in process modeling and formulation design in the pharmaceutical sciences (response surface methodology and artificial neural network)

    2. Diversity analysis of medicinal plants from a molecular, chemical, and pharmacological point of view

    3. Metabolomic profiling of metabolites in herbal drugs

    4. Authentication and quality assurance of herbal medicinal products

    5. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of essential oils bearing medicinal and aromatic plants

    6. Development of innovative functional foods, dietary supplements, and pharmaceutical products from medicinal plants for the prevention of chronic diseases and other diseases.



Postdoctoral Fellow (LC-ESI-MS/MS), Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Graz, ออสเตรีย (ปี พ.ศ.2563)


Postdoctoral Fellow (Pharmacognosy), Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Graz, ออสเตรีย (ปี พ.ศ.2560)


Postdoctoral Fellow (GC-MS), Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Graz, ออสเตรีย (ปี พ.ศ.2558)


Postdoctoral Fellow (Pharmacognosy), Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Graz, ออสเตรีย (ปี พ.ศ.2556)

เภสัชศาสตรบัณฑิต สาขาเภสัชศาสตร์

คณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี, ไทย (ปี พ.ศ.2548)

ปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาเภสัชศาสตร์

คณะเภสัชศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยอุบลราชธานี, ไทย (ปี พ.ศ.2554)


Research Articles (International)
  • Suksri K, Yingngam B, Muangchan N Optimization of phenolic extraction from Syzygium samarangense fruit and its protective properties against glucotoxicity-induced pancreatic β-cell death. ScienceAsia; 2023; 49 (4) : 529-540 (Q2;Impact Factor 1.300) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Navabhatra A, Brantner AH, Keatwanbud N, Krongyut T, Nakonrat P, Triet NT One-pot extraction and enrichment of diallyl trisulfide in garlic oil using an eco-friendly solvent-free microwave extraction method. Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy; 2022; 27 (-) : 100655 (Q1; Impact Factor 6.000) Link:
  • Navabhatra A, Brantner A, Yingngam B Artificial neural network modeling of nanostructured lipid carriers containing 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid-rich Cratoxylum formosum leaf extract for skin application. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin; 2022; 38 (4) : 801-817 (Q1;Impact Factor 4.619) Link:
  • Navabhatra A, Maniratanachote R, Yingngam B Antiphotoaging properties of Zingiber montanum essential oil isolated by solvent-free microwave extraction against ultraviolet B-irradiated human dermal fibroblasts. Toxicological Research; 2022; 38 (-) : 235–248 (Q2;Impact Factor 3.019) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Navabhatra A, Brantner A Increasing the essential oil yield from Shorea roxburghii inflorescences using an eco-friendly solvent-free microwave extraction method for fragrance applications. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; 2021; 24 (-) : 100332 (Q2; Impact Factor 3.945) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Navabhatra A, Rungseevijitprapa W, Prasitpuriprecha C, Brantner A Comparative study of response surface methodology and artificial neural network in the optimization of the ultrasound-assisted extraction of diarylheptanoid phytoestrogens from Curcuma comosa rhizomes. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification; 2021; 165 (-) : 108461 (Q1; Impact Factor 4.264) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Brantner A, Treichler M, Brugger N, Navabhatra A, Nakonrat P Optimization of the eco-friendly solvent-free microwave extraction of Limnophila aromatica essential oil. Industrial Crops and Products; 2021; 165 (-) : 113443 (Q1; Impact Factor 6.449) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Chiangsom A, Brantner A Modeling and optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of pentacyclic triterpenes from Centella asiatica leaves using response surface methodology. Industrial Crops and Products; 2020; 147 (-) : 112231(Q1; Impact Factor 6.449) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Kacha W, Rungseevijitprapa W, Sudta P, Prasitpuriprecha C, Brantner A Response surface optimization of spray-dried citronella oil microcapsules with reduced volatility and irritation for cosmetic textile uses. Powder Technology; 2019; 355 (-) : 372-85 (Q1; Impact Factor 5.64) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Chiangsom A, Pharikarn P, Vonganakasame K, Kanoknitthiran V, Rungseevijitprapa W, Prasitpuriprecha C Optimization of menthol-loaded nanocapsules for skin application using the response surface methodology. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology; 2019; 53 (-) : 101138 (Q2; Impact Factor 2.734) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Zhao H, Baolin B, Pongprom N, Brantner A Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction and purification of rhein from Cassia fistula pod pulp. Molecules; 2019; 24 (10) : 2013. (Q1; Impact Factor 3.060) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Brantner A Boosting the essential oil yield from the rhizome of cassumunar ginger by an eco-friendly solvent-free microwave extraction combined with central composite design. Journal of Essential Oil Research; 2018; 30 (6) : 409-20 (Q2; Impact Factor 1.270) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Tantiraksaroj K, Taweetao T, Rungseevijitprapa W, Supaka N, Brantner AH Modeling and stability study of the anthocyanin-rich maoberry fruit extract in the fast dissolving spray dried microparticles. Powder Technology; 2018; 325 (-) : 261-70 (Q1; Impact Factor 3.760) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Brantner AH, Jinarat D, Kaewamatawong R, Rungseevijitprapa W, Suksamrarn A, Piyachaturawat P, Chokchaisiri R Determination of the marker diarylheptanoid phytoestrogens in Curcuma comosa rhizomes and selected herbal medicinal products by HPLC-DAD. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin; 2018; 66 (1) : 65-70 (Q2; Impact Factor 1.405) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Monschein M, Brantner AH Application of ultrasonic assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from the fruits of Antidesma puncticulatum Miq. and evaluation of its antityrosinase activity. Chiang Mai Journal of Science; 2016; 43 (3) : 518-33. (Q3; Impact Factor 0.42) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Brantner AH Factorial design of essential oil extraction from Fagraea fragrans Roxb. flowers and evaluation of its biological activities for perfumery and cosmetic applications. International Journal of Cosmetic Science; 2015; 37 (3) : 272-81. (Q2; Impact Factor1.377) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Supaka N, Rungseevijitprapa W Optimization of process parameters for phenolics extraction of Cratoxylum formosum ssp. formosum leaves by response surface methodology. Journal of Food Science and Technology; 2015; 52 (1) : 129-40. (Q2; Impact Factor2.203) Link:
  • Yingngam B, Monschein M, Brantner AH Ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Cratoxylum formosum ssp. formosum using central composite design and evaluation of its protective ability against H2O2-induced cell death. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine; 2014; 7 (Supplement 1) : S497-505. (Q2; IF 0.920) Link:
Research Articles (National)
  • Jinarat J, Yingngam B, Rungseevijitprapa W Curcuma comosa Roxb. extract loaded nanostructured lipid carriers for enhancement of skin permeation. Isan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2019; 15 (4) : 96-111 Link:
  • Tiaprasit W, Yingngam B, Rungseevijitprapa W Lipid nanoparticles containing sesame oil for skin occlusion. Isan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2018; 14 (4) : 112-121 Link:
  • Sihabud V, Duangjit S, Yingngam B, Pitchayajittipong C Development of sesame oil loaded bigels for dry skin relief. Isan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2018; 14 (4) : 122-131 Link:
  • Jinarat D, Yingngam B, Apichart suksamrarn, Rungseevijitprapa W Development and characterization of Curcuma comosa extract loaded nanostructured lipid carriers. Isan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences; 2017; 13 (Supplement Issue) : 163-173 Link:
Review Articles (International)
Review Articles (National)
Proceeding (International)
  • Somsanor P, Nambut M, Yingngam B, Pongprom. Synthesis of 6-chloro-7-arylaminoisoquinoline-5, 8-dione and its derivatives as cytostatic compounds. In: Amornsakchai T; editor. The 2019 Pure and Applied Chemistry International Conference (PACCON 2019) 2019-02-07 Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Center, Thailand Bangkok: ; 2019. P. OR1-5
  • Brantner A, Sithisarn P, Yingngam B, Puttarak P, Zhao H, Baolin B. Modern approach to quality assurance of complex herbal formulations. In: Srichana T; editor. 5th Current Drug Development 2018 and 3rd Herbal and Traditional Medicine 2018 (CDD & HTM2018) Theme “Innovation for Health” 2018-05-23 Songkla, Thailand Songkhla: ; 2018. P. 43-8
  • Yingngam B. Optimization of the ultrasonic assisted extraction and identification of anthocyanins from the the fruits of Antidesma puncticulatum. In: Putalun W; editor. 2nd International Conference on Herbal and Traditional Medicine (HTM2017) 2017-01-25 Bangkok, Thailand Khon Kaen: ; 2017. P. 234-9
  • Brantner AH, Yingngam B, Zhao HY, Bian BL. Modern approach to quality assurance of traditional Chinese herbal medicines. In: Miksa MJ; editor. 5th Congress on Pharmacy with International Participation: Pharmaceutical Excellence Dedicated to Health 2015-05-21 Rovinj, Croatia Zagreb: ; 2015. P. 104
Proceeding (National)
  • Kanoknitthiran V, Prasitpuriprecha C, Wandee Rungseevijitprapa W, Yingngam B. Evaluation of irritation potential of spray containing menthol-loaded nanocapsules using the hen’s egg test chlorioallantoic membrane assay. In: Thinvongpituk C; editor. 13th National Conference of Ubon Ratchathani University: Research and Innovations to Strengthen the New Economy 2019-07-11 Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand Ubon Ratchathani: ; 2019. P. 150-5
  • Netthong, R., Khumsikiew, J., Donsamak, S., Navabhatra, A., Yingngam, K., Yingngam, B. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of Antibacterial Drug Resistance - An Overview. In A.S. Grewal, A.K. Dhingra, K. Nepali, G. Deswal, & A.L. Srivastav, (Eds.), Frontiers in Combating Antibacterial Resistance - Current Perspectives and Future Horizons (pp. 196-245). IGI Global.
  • Yingngam, B., Khumsikiew, J., Netthong, R. (2024). Motivations and Barriers to Using Digital Healthcare. In L. Chatterjee & N Gani (Eds.), Multi - Sector Analysis of the Digital Healthcare Industry (pp. 33 - 79). IGI Global.
  • Yingngam B. Chemistry of Essential Oils. In Balakrishnan P, Gopi S editors. Flavors and Fragrances in Food Processing Preparation and Characterization Methods, ACS Symposium Series. Washington, DC American Chemical Society; 2022. p.189-223.
  • Yingngam B. Flavor Release and Application in Chewing Gum. In Balakrishnan P, Gopi S editors. Flavors and Fragrances in Food Processing Preparation and Characterization Methods, ACS Symposium Series. Washington, DC American Chemical Society; 2022. p.437-477.
  • Yingngam B. New drug discovery. In Muhammad Shahzad Aslam and M. Ayaz Ahmad editors. Multidisciplinary Applications of Natural Science for Drug Discovery and Integrative Medicine. Pennsylvania IGI Global Publisher; 2023. p. 134-184.
  • Yingngam B. Modern solvent-free microwave extraction with essential oil optimization and structure-activity relationships. In Atta-ur Rahman editor. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry Volume 77. The Netherlands: Elsevier; 2023. p. 365-420.
  • Yingngam, B. (2024). Assessment of Anticancer Properties of Thai Plants. In A. Roy (Ed.), Harnessing Medicinal Plants in Cancer Prevention and Treatment (pp. 122-164). IGI Global.
  • Yingngam, B. (2024). Nanocoatings for Cosmetotextiles. In R. Garg & A. Anjum (Eds.), Sustainable Approach to Protective Nanocoatings (pp. 170-202). IGI Global.
  • Yingngam, B. (2024). Advances in Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery. In P. Prabhakar & A. Prakash (Eds.), Cutting-Edge Applications of Nanomaterials in Biomedical Sciences (pp. 22-85). IGI Global.
  • Yingngam, B. (2024). Quantum Computing in Pharmaceutical Science. In A. Khang (Ed.), Applications and Principles of Quantum Computing (pp. 289-319). IGI Global.
  • Yingngam, B., Navabhatra, A., & Sillapapibool, P. (2024). AI-Driven Decision-Making Applications in Pharmaceutical Sciences. In T. Nguyen & N. Vo (Eds.), Using Traditional Design Methods to Enhance AI-Driven Decision Making (pp. 1-63). IGI Global.
  • Yingngam, B., Sethabouppha, B., Yingngam, K., Netthong, R., Khumsikiew, J., Donsamak, S., & Navabhatra, A. (2024). Biomedical Applications of Hybrid Nanomaterials. In V. Khanna, P. Sharma, & P. Mahajan (Eds.), Technological Applications of Nano-Hybrid Composites (pp. 170-225). IGI Global.


Oral Presentation (International)
Oral Presentation (National)
  • (2019) Sratongin A, Noppiboon E, Rungseevijitprapa W, Kumsikiew J, Yingngam B, Evaluation of skin irritation of ethosomes-based eugenol by hen’s egg test chloriollantoic membrane assay, 11th Annual Northeast Pharmacy Research Conference of 2019, Mahasarakham, Thailand
  • (2019) Thosing S, Trachu A, Yingngam B, Wandee Rungseevijitprapa W, Characterization of pH sensitive nanoparticles containing lipophilic active, 11th Annual Northeast Pharmacy Research Conference of 2019, Mahasarakham, Thailand
  • (2016) Yingngam B, Brantner AH, Effects of Hydrodistillation Parameters on Essential Oil Yields of Fagraea fragrans Roxb. Flowers, 8th Annual Conference of Northeast Pharmacy Research 2016, Mahasarakham, Thailand
Poster Presentation (International)
  • (2019) Brantner A, Zhao H, Baolin B, Yingngam B, Optimization of ultrasonic assisted extraction of rhein from Cassia fistula, 26th Scientific Congress of the Austrian Pharmaceutical Society (ÖPhG), Graz, Austria
  • (2017) Yingngam B, Brantner AH, Optimization of the ultrasonic assisted extraction and identification of anthocyanins from the ..., 2nd International Conference on Herbal and Traditional Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand
Poster Presentation (National)
  • (2019) Kanoknitthiran V, Prasitpuriprecha C, Wandee Rungseevijitprapa W, Yingngam B, Evaluation of irritation potential of spray containing menthol-loaded nanocapsules using the hen’s egg test chlorioallantoic membrane assay, 13th National Conference of Ubon Ratchathani University: Research and Innovations to Strengthen the New Economy, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
  • (2019) Khonyai P, Piriyaprakas P, Yingngam B, Thanaketpaisarn O, Rungseevijitprapa W, Emulsion containing 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid as makeup remover with antioxidant property, 11th Annual Northeast Pharmacy Research Conference of 2019, Mahasarakham, Thailand
  • (2013) Tangpantong N, Phuntapongthum M, Burasit J, Rungseevijitprapa W, Yingngam B , Optimization of chlorogenic acid extraction from cratoxylum formosum Leaves using central composite, 5th Annual Conference of Northeast Pharmacy Research, Mahasarakham, Thailand
  • (2012) Yingngam B, Supaka N, Rungseevijitprapa W, Lyoprotectants for concentration and stability improvement of niosomes, 4th Annual Conference of Northeast Pharmacy Research, Khon Kaen, Thailand


  • (2020) Very Good Oral Presentation Award (Mattaka Janmuang, Pongpak Kongpo, Wandee Rungseevijitprapa, Bancha Yingngam), 12th Annual Northeast Pharmacy Research Conference of 2020, ระดับชาติ
  • (2009) Good Oral Presentation Award (Bancha Yingngam), 1st Annual Northeast Pharmacy Research Conference 2009, ระดับชาติ
  • (2019) Excellent Oral Presentation Award (Apinun Sratongin, Ekkachai Noppiboon, Wandee Rungseevijitprapa, Jeerisuda Kumsikiew, Bancha Yingngam), 11th Annual Northeast Pharmacy Research Conference of 2019, ระดับชาติ
  • (2016) Good Oral Presentation Award (Bancha Yingngam), 8th Annual Northeast Pharmacy Research Conference 2016, ระดับชาติ
  • (2017) Good Poster Presentation Award (Bancha Yingngam), 9th Annual Northeast Pharmacy Research Conference 2017, ระดับชาติ


  • (2017 - 2018) Pain Relieving Patches containing Cassumunar Ginger Essential Oil, Division of Research Promotion, Academic Service and Preservation of Local Arts & Culture, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand, Yingngam B
  • (2018 - 2019) Powdered Instant Drink containing Sesame Oil, UBU SPARK, Yingngam B
  • (2019 - 2019) Production of the Refreshing Spray containing Menthol-loaded Nanocapsules by Precipitation Method combined with Box-Behnken Design and Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Division of Research Promotion, Academic Service and Preservation of Local Arts & Culture, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand, Yingngam B
  • (2018 - 2018) Development of Production System of Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. and Its Health Products for Improving the Quality of Life, National Research Council of Thailand (grant number 16330), Yingngam B
  • (2018 - 2019) Development of Topical Products containing Centella asiatica (L.) Urb. Extract for Delaying the Premature Ejaculation and Improving the Male Sexual., National Research Council of Thailand (grant number 16340), Yingngam B
  • (2012 - 2012) PRODUCTION OF Cratoxylum formosum (Jack) Dyer EXTRACT USING CENTRAL COMPOSITE DESIGN-BASED RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY, Division of Research Promotion, Academic Service and Preservation of Local Arts & Culture, Ubon Ratchathani University, Thailand (grant number 71762), Yingngam B
  • (2017 - 2017) Determination of the marker diarylheptanoid phytoestrogens in Curcuma comosa Roxb. rhizomes and selected herbal medicinal products by HPLC-DAD, The ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) 2017, Austria, Yingngam B, Brantner AH
  • (2015 - 2015) Modeling and Stability Study of the Anthocyanins-Rich Maoberry Fruit Extract in the Fast Dissolving Spray Dried Microparticles, The ASEAN European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) 2015, Austria, Yingngam B, Brantner AH
  • (2013 - 2014) Ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from Cratoxylum formosum using central composite design and evaluation of its protective ability against H2O2-induced cell death, The Ernst-Mach-Stipendien 2013/2014 (Grant No. ICM-2013-04533), Austria, Yingngam B, Brantner AH